
  • Appearances matter…

    21st Century art world game-changer Susan Mumford provides adivce on why putting care into personal branding does have impact. Read the full article


  • The Golden Rule of Professionals:  Be Specific & Ask Good Questions

    “The “Business” of Being a Creative,” publishing world expert Jane Friedman provides the following thoughts on how asking specific questions, instead of making general asks, can help further your career. Read the full article


  • How do you find art buyers?

    “The “Business” of Being a Creative,” 21st Century art world game-changer Susan Mumford provides the following thoughts on where to find customers for your work. Read the full article


  • Art World Advice to Young Female Artists

    It’s no secret that the extraordinarily competitive contemporary art world can be an especially tough place for female artists to navigate. Artnet News asked Janice Sands to weigh in on the topic. Read the full article


  • 3 Questions Every Creative Person Must Ask

    Publishing world expert Jane Friedman provides the following thoughts on the three important questions that every creative person must ask themselves to succeed in their chosen field. Read the full article


  • Remove Barriers That You Place In the Path to Success

    Art world game-changer Susan Mumford provides the following thoughts on how to avoid becoming self-defeating when it comes to achieving your goals. Read the full article


  • A Real Change For Women In Art

    Wide Walls interviewed Janice Sands. It’s no secret, although it is quite surprising, that female artists today still have a long way to go toward a position of equality on the international arts scene. Read the full article


  • The New York Times article on The Resurgence of Women-Only Art Shows

    Read What Executive Director Janice Sands and Other Art World Influencers Are Saying About the Resurgence of Women-Only Art Shows in The New York Times this Week. Read the full article in the New York Times


  • Discover Flatiron:  Pen and Brush

    In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership takes a look at Pen and Brush, the only global non-profit to offer a broader spotlight on the works of emerging women artists and writers. Read the full article


  • 5 Key Takeaways From Pen and Brush Panel on Women-Only Arts Groups

    Last night’s panel at the newly revamped, and stunning Pen and Brush gallery space in the Flatiron district focused on the question of whether women-only art galleries and organizations advance or impede the careers of women artists. Read the full article on
